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Koreans value Internet privacy over right to know: poll

2024-09-22 01:11:10 [资讯] 来源:黄河新闻网

South Koreans tend to value Internet privacy over the right to know, a poll showed Tuesday, with a majority of Internet users believing their personal information is not sufficiently protected online.

According to the survey conducted by the National Information Society Agency, around 65 percent of the respondents said they put priority on their privacy over the right to express and know.

Another 22.2 percent said the right to express or know still should be more respected than individuals' privacy.

The survey was conducted on 4,300 respondents over the November-December period of 2014 on South Koreans aged six and above from 17 major cities.

In a separate question, 69.3 percent of the respondents said they have experienced violations of privacy online, while only 7.4 percent said their private information was concealed.

Nearly 54 percent said their right to speech is regulated online, while only 14.1 percent said they have full freedom.

Of the combined respondents, 50.8 percent said they limit their activities online in fear of the information being circulated on the Internet permanently.

Around 64 percent of the participants also said even celebrities should have the right to hide their information online, also putting emphasis on privacy over the right to know. (Yonhap)


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