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Slack is about to get a lot less confusing with threaded messages

2024-09-21 17:27:27 [新闻中心] 来源:黄河新闻网

Slack just introduced a major update that promises to make conversations easier to follow.

The workplace messaging app introduced threaded conversations Wednesday, a feature the company says has long been one of its users' top requests. Set to roll out "over the next few days," threads allows users to reply directly to chats in nested conversations.

SEE ALSO:How Slack makes you awkward

Once the feature rolls out (it will be available on both Slack's desktop and mobile apps), you can start a thread within one of your channels by hovering over a message and selecting "start a thread." This opens up a new section on the right side of the app where you can compose a reply and keep track of the thread.

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Threads won't notify channel participants the same way that new messages would, though replies will be indicated within chats so anyone in the channel can view threads. Slack is also adding an "all threads" menu to the left sidebar of the app where you can keep track of all your threads.

Additionally, you can opt to broadcast a reply to a thread to the entire channel so a specific reply on a thread is more visible.

Slack says the new feature will help teams keep their conversations more organized as it's easier to have multiple conversations about different topics within a channel without the chats getting lost in the chatter.

The company is also making threads available to the bots and third-party apps that use Slack's platform.

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