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Moon invites Kim Jong

2024-09-23 05:32:54 [新闻中心] 来源:黄河新闻网
In this <strong></strong>photo provided by Cheong Wa Dae, President Moon Jae-in listens to a report from officials about the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, Aug. 22. AP-Yonhap
In this photo provided by Cheong Wa Dae, President Moon Jae-in listens to a report from officials about the General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul, Aug. 22. AP-Yonhap

By Kim Yoo-chul

President Moon Jae-in is sticking to his engagement-driven North Korea policy, seeking to break the impasse in the denuclearization talks via another direct encounter with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un at the upcoming summit with leaders of Southeast Asian countries in Busan.

In a special contribution to Bangkok Post, the President said he is expecting to meet Kim at the ASEAN-South Korea Commemorative Summit to be held in the country's largest port city of Busan.

"It would be a very meaningful occasion for peace on the Korean Peninsula and in East Asia, if Kim Jong-un is given the chance to join the gathering. East Asian countries would be able to discuss in detail with the North about possible areas of cooperation between them," President Moon said. The remarks were confirmed by Cheong Wa Dae, Friday.

South Korea will hold the summit and Mekong-South Korea Summit in the southeastern port city, separately, in November, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of South Korea-ASEAN relations.

"Of course, the decision on whether to invite the North Korean leader should be made in light of the progress being made in the peace process on the peninsula, including the dialogue between the United States and North Korea. We will continue to engage in related consultations with ASEAN countries," the President said.

Despite North Korea's repeated military provocations and aspersions of the South's favorable North Korea policy, the President remained hopeful for meaningful progress in the nuclear disarmament talks between Washington and Pyongyang.

"Kim has personally made clear his commitment to complete denuclearization on various occasions, including the three inter-Korean summits last year and the two summits with the United States. He personally expressed his willingness to move forward by opting for economic development instead of nuclear development. What matters most is for North Korea to actually put denuclearization into concrete action," according to the President.

Moon, who plans to make a tour of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos from Sept. 1 to 6 as part of his concerted efforts to further strengthen Seoul's partnerships with Southeast Asian countries, asked ASEAN member countries to be unified in resolving the North Korean nuclear conflict in a peaceful way to foster regional peace and stability.

"The fact that the two historic Washington-Pyongyang summits were held in Singapore and Hanoi demonstrates the immensely constructive role that ASEAN is playing in the peace process. ASEAN spared no effort in providing support to sustain the momentum for dialogue," the President said.

Regarding the ongoing South Korea-Japan trade row, President Moon again said Japan's recent decision to remove South Korea from its list of most trusted trading partners will negatively impact not only South Korea but also the global economy.

"It makes no sense to hurt each other's economies because of issues that lie outside the economic realm. A vicious cycle of response and counter-response is not desirable," Moon said, adding he will seek help from ASEAN member countries to steer Japan to the path of dialogue and diplomatic consultation.

Unlike previous conservative South Korean presidents, President Moon wants to improve the inter-Korean relationship by maintaining "tactical and strategic patience" toward the North's provocations.

He stressed tactical patience, even when the North bursts into a flood of insults, as "the only options" for his administration as peace and prosperity could only be achieved throughout open dialogue and negotiation between the two Koreas and between the North Korea and the U.S., according to Cheong Wa Dae officials.

Pyongyang has yet to officially return to working-level discussions with the United States despite repeated requests by U.S. President Donald Trump and President Moon and leaders of the international community to restart the negotiations.


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