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Assembly speaker asks Sweden to help N. Korea return to dialogue

2024-09-22 11:32:27 [资讯] 来源:黄河新闻网

Park Byeong-seug talks with Andreas Norlen,<strong></strong> speaker of Sweden's parliament on Monday. (Yonhap)Park Byeong-seug talks with Andreas Norlen, speaker of Sweden's parliament on Monday. (Yonhap)National Assembly Speaker Park Byeong-seug held talks with the speaker of Sweden's parliament, Andreas Norlen, on Monday, during which Park asked Sweden to help North Korea return to dialogue.

Park told the visiting Norlen that Sweden "plays a role" for North Korea to return to dialogue, according to Park's office.

In response, Norlen said Sweden will continue to support the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula.

North Korea has ratcheted up tensions by conducting an intercontinental ballistic missile test last month, breaking its self-imposed moratorium on ICBM and nuclear tests. Concerns have also risen that Pyongyang could conduct a nuclear test.

With regard to Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Park said Russia should stop the war.

South Korea plans to expand humanitarian aid to Ukraine, Park said.

Norien also visited Prime Minister Kim Boo-kyum. During the meeting, Kim called on Sweden to help Korea's southern port city of Busan host the World Expo 2030, Kim's office said.

Norien said he sees Busan as the best host city and will deliver his view to the Swedish government and parliament.

Separately, Norlen met with Lee Jun-seok, chairman of the conservative People Power Party. Lee voiced support for Sweden, which has provided massive aid to Ukraine.

Also, Norlen met with Rep. Yun Ho-jung of the liberal Democratic Party. (Yonhap)


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