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Dude posts 'brilliant' Chipotle hack and gets mercilessly dragged on Twitter

2024-09-23 13:21:43 [资讯] 来源:黄河新闻网

I can't believe this has to be said in 2017 but please please please be considerate to food service employees.

SEE ALSO:Twitter reportedly explores the idea of a fake news button

Earlier this week, Twitter user Josh Williams tweeted a picture of his baffling Chipotle order. He thought he was just a smart dude, sharing out a helpful lunchtime hack.

"Am I weird? Or brilliant?" he asked about making Chipotle employees individually wrap the ingredients to his meal.

My man, you just independently came up with idea of "going to the grocery store." So, neither.

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Obviously, do not do this at Chipotle. And especially do not post it to Twitter framing it as a genius maneuver that you invented. Or face the wrath of Twitter, which is exactly what happened in this case.

Josh later explained that he lives 45 minutes from Chipotle and did not want his tacos to be "soggy" when he was finally able to eat them.

He took the backlash well and in good sportsmanship, though, and even learned a few things along the way. And what is Twitter, if not a learning tool?

Next time just eat them soggy, dude.

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