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Artists on Twitter are drawing their favorite shipping dynamics for this new meme

2024-09-22 08:31:09 [新闻中心] 来源:黄河新闻网

Once you've binge-watched enough Netflixshows, you start to see a pattern in the characters you get invested in. You might even notice that certain types of romanceshave you hitting the "Next Episode" button faster than you can say "I ship it."

Even if you don't actually read fanfiction in which romantic tropes are clearly defined and amped up to 11 (just check any of the tags on AO3.org or Fanfiction.net), there's at least one fictional dynamic that hits ya right in the feels, every time.

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Enter the latest meme going around Twitter, which has artists drawing visual depictions of their favorite ships. Would you like a scoop of some unspokenmutual pining? How about a helping of rivals who actually admire each other?Or, my personal favorite, a cup of punlord versus someone who pretends to hate their puns but secretly loves them?

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These dynamic memes are like all the best parts of going down a TV Tropes page rabbit hole, with the added benefit of expressive, artistic hot takes. Also, most of the pairs have been drawn genderless, so you can imagine any number of your favorite characters!

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In the cheeky spirit of the original posts, people's favorite "dynamics" seem to get progressively more goofy. Some artists even admitted that their favorite dynamics were just thinly veiled variations of "me + this character who I think is hot."

But others felt like not everything was such harmless fun, with posts celebrating abusive relationship dynamics right alongside lighthearted ones. Not cute.

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Overall though, we love these these dynamics for a reason — even if the reason why we love them is because they're so overdone.

And also because no one can help but run away with "ship" puns.

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