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Bayern back Tuchel after sackings

2024-09-22 19:34:51 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网

Bayern Munich chairman Herbert Hainer on Sunday promised manager Thomas Tuchel's job is safe with the freshly-minted German champions, while confirming the return of former executive Karl-Heinz Rummenigge.

Bayern on Saturday overcame a two-point deficit to leaders Borussia Dortmund to win their 11th straight German title, but announced the sacking of CEO Oliver Kahn and sporting director Hasan Salihamidzic at full-time.

In a specially convened press conference on Sunday, Hainer explained the duo were sacked because the club's "performance in the second-half of the season was not how we imagine FC Bayern to be," but said the club had "absolutely no thoughts" of firing Tuchel.

"We are absolutely convinced by Thomas Tuchel. He is one of the best managers in Europe and has shown that at several clubs.

"I don't know why Thomas Tuchel should not be our coach."

Tuchel was appointed in March after Kahn and Salihamidzic sacked then manager Julian Nagelsmann.

While Kahn was replaced by former CFO Jan-Christian Dreesen, a new sporting director has not yet been appointed.

Hainer however confirmed the return of Rummenigge, who played for the club for a decade and served as CEO until he was replaced by Kahn in 2021.

The chairman said the club would lean heavily on Bayern's sporting expertise, including the return of Rummenigge as well as giving Tuchel a bigger role.

Hainer also revealed that Kahn and Salihamidzic had been told of the decision on Thursday, "early enough so that they would have time to deal with the situation" and "out of respect for these two icons of Bayern Munich."

While Salihamidzic made the trip to Cologne for Bayern's title-deciding match, the club prevented Kahn from attending because he was "too emotional".

Hainer said Salihamidzic took the decision "very well" but "we had the same conversation with Oliver Kahn and unfortunately it did not go so well."

"We were unable to end it amicably" said Hainer "and because of this, he couldn't go to Cologne on Saturday."

Kahn spoke out on Twitter on Saturday saying "I would love to celebrate with (the players), but unfortunately I can't because the club has prohibited me from doing so."

On Sunday, Kahn hit back at reports he had reacted emotionally, saying "the claim that I freaked out when I was informed about the dismissal is definitely not true", with the former goalkeeper saying he "calmly accepted the decision" that he could not go to the game.


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