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Google Play Store will soon let Android users download gambling apps

2024-09-21 19:33:35 [行业动态] 来源:黄河新闻网

Non-iPhone gamblers rejoice: The Google Play Store will soon allow gambling apps.

There are, of course, a few catches. The apps will only be allowed in countries and states where the specific type of gambling in the app is permitted by law.

But the fact remains, starting March 1 Android users in the U.S. and 14 other countries — Australia, Belgium, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Japan, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Romania, Spain, and Sweden — will join Brazil, France, Ireland, and the United Kingdom as places where Google-sanctioned in-app gambling is allowed.

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"We allow real-money gambling apps, ads related to real-money gambling and daily fantasy sports apps that meet certain requirements," Google's support page now reads.

Gambling apps will have to file for approval under one of four categories: online casino games, lotteries, sports betting, and daily fantasy sports. They'll have to also have measures in place to prevent underage users from gambling.

Also, folks in the U.S. should be forewarned. State laws still apply. So the question of whether or not you'll actually be able to take advantage of this policy change is a complicated one to answer. The gambling apps and types games that will be available in a person's area depends on the the state's regulations.


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