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Joe Biden winning memes are celebrating the election results... again and again

2024-09-23 18:19:57 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris won the 2020 election not once, not twice, but approximately 425 times — give or take a few.

In reality, they only won once, but every day since their victory was called on Nov. 7, Donald Trump has denied it, refused to concede, begged key battleground states to recount votes, and falsely claimed that the election was riddled with fraud. It wasn't; he just lost.

Trump has been the sorest of sore losers these past 18 days, but no amount of whining has changed the outcome of the election. Biden and Harris' victory was further strengthened when Georgia re-confirmed they won the state...and when Pennsylvania re-confirmed, and Michigan, and Wisconsin. Biden and Harris have re-won this election so many damn times that the American people have quite frankly lost count.

There's been So. Much. Winning. Real cast of Schitt's Creek at the Pandemmy Awards vibes over here.

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On Monday, Emily Murphy, head of the General Services Administration, finallywrote a letter to Biden approving his administration's transition. So at long last it seems that maybe, just maybe, the 2020 presidential election results have been solidified.

Now that Biden and Harris have won for the whatever-th time, the people can breathe a sigh of relief, laugh at the level of absurdity we've reached, and make some quality "Joe Biden winning" memes.

For some, finding out that Biden and Harris won the election will never get old. But for others, the victory got a little stale when the 2737484847th win was announced.

Buckle up, because inauguration isn't until Jan. 20, 2021, which means there's still a good two months keep hammering home the election results in an effort to try to make Trump and his supporters understand them.


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