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Apple iOS 11 lets you put your face on an animated pile of poop, naturally

2024-09-21 17:42:02 [行业动态] 来源:黄河新闻网

After months of iPhone 8 hardware leaks, we're finally getting some truly juicy Apple software leaks just days ahead of the device's official launch.

In a leaked Golden Master build of iOS 11, the folks over at 9to5Machave found a number of interesting new features, including three-dimensional, animated emojis called Animoji.

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But that's just the beginning. According to the site's examination of the leak, the emoji are created by using different expressions on your face as you look at the iPhone's camera.

That's right, it's looking like you'll be able to create a poop emoji with just the right expression, as well as an emoji for a robot, monkey, unicorn, alien, pig, cat, chicken, fox, rabbit, panda, and dog.

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Based on the leaked info, the emoji will be able to be customized using things like eyebrow raises, squints, blinks, puffing your cheeks out, and various mouth and jaw movements.

The Animoji are listed as "custom animated messages that use your voice and reflect your facial expressions" and will be created in the Messages app.

Most importantly, the leak indicates that the Animoji will only be available on the new OLED version of the iPhone with face tracking.

It's rare to get this level of detail in a leak ahead of an Apple event, but despite that, agents of the company will likely have fun demonstrating on stage next week how to contort your face to create these new emoji.

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