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Interior minister attended govt. meeting after passage of dismissal motion

2024-09-22 04:07:07 [资讯] 来源:黄河新闻网
Interior and Safety Minister Lee Sang-min arrives for work at the government complex in Seoul on Monday,<strong></strong> one day after the opposition-controlled National Assembly passed a motion calling for the dismissal of Lee over the bungled government response to the deadly Itaewon crowd crush. (Yonhap)Interior and Safety Minister Lee Sang-min arrives for work at the government complex in Seoul on Monday, one day after the opposition-controlled National Assembly passed a motion calling for the dismissal of Lee over the bungled government response to the deadly Itaewon crowd crush. (Yonhap)

Interior Minister Lee Sang-min attended a closed-door government meeting after the opposition-controlled National Assembly passed a dismissal motion against him the previous day, sources said Monday.

Lee's attendance has been interpreted as signaling President Yoon Suk-yeol's intention to reject the motion and keep him in office.

Yoon has not commented on the motion, but he is known to have consistently opposed the opposition-led push to dismiss Lee to hold him responsible for the government's bungled response to the deadly Itaewon crowd crush.

Sunday's meeting was held to discuss a variety of state affairs, including the motion, and brought together key officials from the ruling People Power Party, the government and the presidential office.

"Handling the aftermath of the Itaewon tragedy is an important current issue in state administration," a ruling camp official told Yonhap News Agency. "Minister Lee attended the meeting as the minister in charge."

Lee kept silent as other participants of the meeting denounced the motion, according to sources.

He did, however, report on the government's plans regarding assistance measures for family members of the crowd crush victims.

The main opposition Democratic Party has threatened to impeach the minister if Yoon rejects the dismissal motion. (Yonhap)


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