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N. Korean human rights bill unlikely to pass Congress this year again

2024-09-22 15:47:39 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网
The<strong></strong> U.S. Capitol building, during a snow storm on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., is seen in this January 3, 2022 file photo. Reuters-Yonhap

The U.S. Capitol building, during a snow storm on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., is seen in this January 3, 2022 file photo. Reuters-Yonhap

A U.S. bill to reauthorize the expired North Korean Human Rights Act appears unlikely to pass Congress this year again, with the House of Representatives adjourning for a holiday recess.

According to Congress' website on Thursday, the bill to extend the 2004 act, aimed at promoting human rights in the reclusive country, remains pending, marking 15 months of absence since the law expired in September last year.

First adopted in 2004, the legislation is to be updated and reauthorized periodically. It was extended in 2008, 2012 and 2018 with the last extension designed to be valid through Sept. 30 last year.

Senators Marco Rubio and Tim Kaine have introduced the latest reauthorization act while House Reps. Young Kim and Ami Bera introduced a similar bill.

The pending bill calls for the promotion of human rights and humanitarian assistance for North Korean people and the increase in the flow of information not controlled by the regime in Pyongyang among other activities. (Yonhap)


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