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Park expected to return to work this week

2024-09-22 11:24:10 [行业动态] 来源:黄河新闻网

President Park Geun-hye, who has been recovering from ill health, is expected to return to work this week to handle pressing issues, such as the nomination of a new prime minister, an official said Sunday.

Park complained of stomach cramps and a sore throat caused by fatigue upon returning from her four-nation trip to South America this past Monday. She has since been resting at her official residence.

"It depends on how much her health recovers, but there's a possibility she'll resume her public schedule this week," the official said on condition of anonymity.

If she returns to work Monday, Park is expected to preside over a meeting with her senior secretaries. It also remains to be seen whether she will attend an annual gathering with children at the presidential office Cheong Wa Dae to celebrate Children's Day, a public holiday, on Tuesday.

One of the most pressing issues for Park is likely to be the nomination of a new prime minister following the resignation of Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo. Lee tendered his resignation last month amid allegations he took bribes from a late businessman at the center of a growing corruption scandal.

Speculation is rife over the possible candidates, with more than 10 high-profile figures being named in political circles.

Among the reported candidates are Lee Myung-jae, special adviser to the president for civil affairs, acting Prime Minister and Finance Minister Choi Kyoung-hwan, Deputy Prime Minister for Social Affairs Hwang Woo-yea and former maritime affairs minister Lee Ju-young.

Park is also expected to express her stance on civil service pension reforms, one of her pet projects, as rival parties agreed last week to pass a reform bill during a plenary session Wednesday.

Political reform is also likely to be high on her agenda especially amid the corruption scandal that has implicated some of her close aides. (Yonhap)


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