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FTC must end Facebook monopoly, says Communications Workers of America

2024-09-22 14:34:11 [新闻中心] 来源:黄河新闻网

Facebook may have grown to a point where it's too big for its own good. Or anybody's, for that matter.

The largest U.S. media and communications labor union, Communications Workers of America, is adding fuel to that point of view. It's just joined the Freedom from Facebook Coalition, which is petitioning the Federal Trade Commission to break up the growing "monopoly" power of Facebook.

Blazoned atop the coalition's website reads: "Facebook has too much power over our lives and democracy. It's time for us to take that power back." The coalition, which includes social activist groups like Demand Progress and MoveOn Civic Action, wants the FTC to separate WhatsApp and Instagram as separate companies, away from Facebook's control.

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CWA Communications Director Beth Allen told Mashable that the group was concerned about the social media giant's growing power. And the labor union is not the only one with such a concern.

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Facebook is already under the microscope of a federal investigation from the FTC for its Cambridge Analytica data scandal, and there are dozens of privacy lawsuits against the social media giant right now. Before things get any better for Facebook, they'll probably get worse, at least from a legal perspective.

The CWA also has a lawsuit against Facebook, alleging that the way the company targets job advertisements leads to age discrimination. Allen told Mashable that joining this coalition could offer the group a larger platform for the union's legal battle against Facebook.

"We have been looking closely at Facebook, and the coalition that was forming was interesting to us because we wanted to be able to shed more light on this age-discrimination issue," Allen said. "We just want to make sure regulators are doing what they can to limit Facebook's power and ensure that Facebook is not engaging in any discriminatory behavior."

We'll see whether the FTC will actually splinter the monolith, but it's far from the first time Facebook has been accused of being a monopoly. When questioned about the issue before Congress in April, CEO Mark Zuckerberg said Facebook "certainly doesn't feel like [a monopoly] to me."

The list of others who feel differently is growing, and it may eventually enlarge to the point where Zuckerberg can't just casually dismiss them.

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