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New photos of Prince Louis show his Instagram vs. reality and it's truly adorable

2024-09-23 11:18:43 [资讯] 来源:黄河新闻网

What we post on Instagram and the reality of our lives are two very different things.

And Prince Louis is no exception to this rule. Don't believe me? Well here's the proof.

To celebrate Louis' second birthday (HBD!) the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, William and Kate, shared never-before-seen photos of their youngest child, taken by the Duchess herself.

The first set of photos shows Louis smiling adorably at the camera and holding up his hands which are covered in paint. The rainbows on his palms are a reference to those painted by children and placed in windows across the UK. These rainbows have become a symbol of hope for children (and grown-ups too) in a bid to spread cheer and positivity on people's daily walks during the nationwide government lockdown.

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If you swipe on the images below, you'll see Louis' rainbow painting.

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But don't be fooled by these angelic photos. New snaps posted by Kensington Palace's on Louis' second birthday show what happened after these photos were taken.

"Instagram vs Reality," the post was captioned. "Thank you for all your lovely messages on Prince Louis’ second birthday!"

Looks like Louis smeared his rainbow-painted hands all over his face.

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Good work.


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