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Best Apple AirTag deal: 20% off Apple AirTags at Amazon

2024-09-22 12:28:43 [新闻中心] 来源:黄河新闻网

SAVE $20: As of Feb. 5, you can get a four-pack of Apple AirTags for $79 at Amazon. That's 20% off the standard list price of $99.

Apple AirTagOpens in a new windowCredit: AppleApple AirTag (four-pack)

Are you the type of person who would lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body? Then Apple AirTags might make your life much easier. These little GPS-tracking devices attach to any item of yours that you want to keep track of. Simply sync the AirTag with your iPhone or iPad and start using the Find My app to see your item's location in real-time. Today's deal marks a great time to get started.

As of today, Feb. 5, you can get four Apple AirTags for just $79 at Amazon. That's 20$ (or 20%) off the regular list price of $99. Last week, this same bundle was on sale for 14% off, making today's sale an even better price.

Apple AirTags are water and dust-resistant, helping them continue to do their job no matter where your items end up. Plus, they're powered by replaceable batteries that last for over a year to give you peace of mind.

If you're keen on tracking your belongings but not so much on Big Brother tracking you, don't worry: all activity is encrypted, and no data gets stored on your AirTags.

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Score this deal while it's still here and bring a new sense of order to your life with Apple AirTags.


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