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Steve Irwin receives posthumous star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame

2024-09-23 22:34:49 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网

The late Steve "Crocodile Hunter" Irwin spent his life surrounded by wildlife, so it was fitting there was one in attendance for a posthumous honour.

The wildlife expert and TV host received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on Thursday, attended by his children Bindi and Robert, and his widow Terri.

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"Dad is still such an inspiration to not only me, but to so many other people around the world. This tribute just shows how great his work was and that his impression on people will last for generations to come," Robert said in a speech.

A tearful Bindi said in a speech that the recognition was a "wonderful moment" for her entire family.

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"Dad changed the world by reaching out to people through their television screens to bring them on the adventure of a lifetime. To have his name on a Hollywood Star means the world as we carry on his important work," she said.

Oh, and as we mentioned, you bet there was a giant snake on the guest list — a green anaconda called Angelina no less.

While many more stars will be placed on Hollywood's sidewalk this year, Irwin's star will be the only posthumous one awarded in 2018.

To receive a Hollywood star, applications, supporting documentation, letters and supporters are required. Fellow Australian Russell Crowe was a key supporter of the star, as was the tourism board for Australia's Sunshine Coast, where Irwin's Australia Zoo is located.

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