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Parkland activist has best response to transparent backpack rule

2024-09-22 01:07:29 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网

When the students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School returned to campus after the March for Our Lives and their week-long spring break, they were less than thrilled with having to wear transparent backpacks.

After the mass shooting that killed 17 people on Feb. 14th, new security measures were put in place on Monday that are aimed at preventing future violence at the school.

Many students expressed their disappointment with the policy on social media, stating the bags are a violation of privacy and won't really help all that much.

But Cameron Kasky, one of the student leaders at the forefront of the #NeverAgain movement, decided to take a different approach.

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SEE ALSO:Parkland students react to mandatory clear backpack rule: 'Almost as transparent as the NRA’s agenda'

On Tuesday morning, Kasky tweeted a picture of his clear backpack, filled with tampons.

What may seem like just teen shenanigans at first, actually has a much deeper meaning. Kasky followed up with a tweet clarifying his intentions.

In addition to being an activist for gun control reform, Kasky is educating himself about women's health issues and is now advocating for easier access to menstrual products.

Just when you think these teens can't get any more powerful, they do

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