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North Korea promotes March 10 election of top assembly members

2024-09-23 16:21:54 [行业动态] 来源:黄河新闻网
Posters for the election of deputies to the 14th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA). The<strong></strong> phrase on the poster at left reads: 'Let us further glorify socialism of our style on the strength of single-minded unity!' KCNA-Yonhap
Posters for the election of deputies to the 14th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA). The phrase on the poster at left reads: "Let us further glorify socialism of our style on the strength of single-minded unity!" KCNA-Yonhap

By Jung Da-min

North Korea's ruling Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) has released posters promoting the election of deputies to the 14th Supreme People's Assembly (SPA) scheduled for March 10, the country's state-run Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) reported on Friday.

The KCNA on Jan. 9 reported the ruling party's decision to call the election according to the county's socialist Constitution.

This is the second parliamentary election since Kim Jong-un took power in 2012. It comes five years after the 13th SPA was formed on Mar. 9, 2014.

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The KCNA said 99.97 percent of all eligible voters went to the polls then, except those on foreign tours or working at sea. A total of 687 deputies are elected, one from each constituency. It said the country's leader Kim Jong-un received 100 percent support in 2014.

The SPA is the highest sovereign authority in North Korea that has the right to legislate.


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