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People are mad at Twitter for promoting the Obamacare repeal hashtag #HellerVoteYes

2024-09-22 07:00:07 [关于我们] 来源:黄河新闻网

Nevada Sen. Dean Heller became the first Republican on Friday to say he wouldn't vote for the Senate's bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act because of its cuts to healthcare benefits for low-income Americans.

Naturally, a conservative, pro-Trump interest group is lobbying the senator to change his mind about the GOP effort to replace Obamacare. One of them promoted a trending hashtag on Twitter: "HellerVoteYes."

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Well, since the Republicans' bill would eliminate most health services provided to the poor through Medicaid and raise costs for millions of Americans, people quickly seized on the hashtag to lobby Heller in the other direction—and criticize Twitter for promoting the pro-repeal hashtag in the first place.

Four other Republicans are set to vote no on the bill, but only because they don't think it goes far enough. Maybe #HellerVoteNo will start trending too.

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